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The Basement Membrane controls size and integrity of the Drosophila tracheal tubes

    Biological tubes are critical units of most organs in metazoans where they perform vital functions. Using the fruit fly tracheal system, we find that the basement membrane component laminin acts a as a key regulator of the shaping, positioning and maintenance of biological tubes.


    Biological tubes are fundamental units of most metazoan organs. Their defective morphogenesis can lead to malformations and pathologies. An integral component of biological tubes is the extracellular matrix, present apically (aECM) and basally (BM). Studies using the Drosophila tracheal system established an essential function for the aECM in tubulogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that the BM also plays a critical role in this process. We find that BM components are deposited in a spatial-temporal manner in the trachea. We show that laminins, core BM components, control size and shape of tracheal tubes and their topology within the embryo. At a cellular level, laminins control cell shape changes and distribution of the cortical cytoskeleton component a-Spectrin. Finally, we report that the BM and aECM act independently -yet cooperatively- to control tube elongation and together to guarantee tissue integrity. In summary, our results unravel key roles for the BM in shaping, positioning and maintaining biological tubes.


    The basement membrane controls size and integrity of the Drosophila tracheal tubes.

    Klußmann-Fricke BJ, Martín-Bermudo MD, Llimargas M. Cell Rep. 2022 Apr 26;39(4):110734. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110734.

    The tracheal epithelium (tracheal cells visualised in yellow in central image) is lined apically by an apical extracellular matrix (magenta) and basally by the basement membrane (cyan), which is deposited following a regulated spatial-temporal pattern. 3D tube reconstructions (top and bottom pseudocoloured images) show that the absence of laminins, core BM components, leads to enlarged and convoluted tubes
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