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News and Views article published at the EMBO Journal about lipid metabolism and lipid droplets

    Dr. Liesa was invited by the EMBO Journal to write a News and Views on the article published by Dr. Thomas McWilliams from the University of Helsinki, about the relationship between lipid metabolism and mitophagy. This is the first article of Dr. Liesa after joining the IBMB.


    The role of iron-regulated mitophagy in lipid metabolism is unclear. Here we comment on the study published by Long, Sanchez-Martinez et al (2022) showing that iron chelation induces a primary change in lipid metabolism that promotes fat accumulation and precedes mitophagy.


    Liesa M (2022) The goodies of chelated fat: iron-regulated lipid droplet biogenesis precedes and preserves mitophagy. The EMBO Journal. 41(10).

    Mitochondria labeled in green inside hepatocytes.
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