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Joan Roig appeared in Telemadrid’s morning magazine “Buenos Días Madrid” to talk about the NIMA protein kinase NEK8

    Joan Roig, IP of the Cell Cycle and Signaling group of the IBMB, appeared in Telemadrid’s morning magazine “Buenos Días Madrid” to talk about the NIMA protein kinase NEK8 and how its mutation can result in a rare severe developmental pathology. The Cell Cycle and Signaling group, in collaboration with groups from the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville, is starting to develop a project to study the molecular basis of this disease, most probably a ciliopathy, and to seek to find ways to ameliorate it. The research will be funded by the Asociación Española de Ayuda a Enfermos con Alteraciones en el Gen NEK8 (@unavidaparamat). In the TV program, the parents of Mateo, a kid with mutations in both alleles of NEK8, talked about their personal experience and how it led to the establishment of the Asociación, and Dr. Roig explained the molecular and cellular basis of the pathology and the research project that the Asociación seeks to fund.
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