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IBMB Diversity Committee formation -“Every day is 11February, 8March and 28June at IBMB” series

    We are delighted to announce a formative activity organized by the Diversity Committee, on Friday March 31, at 10:00 AM.

    Title: Desigualdades de género y micromachismos en el ámbito laboral

    Speaker: Rachel Alfonso, consultora Fundació Surt (

    The IBMB Diversity Committee is organizing different activities to promote diversity, equality and inclusion at our Institute. As a follow up of our activities of February 11th and March 8th to promote gender equality at the workforce and STEM, the committee organized a necessary training session for all members of the Institute, intended to identify and prevent gender inequalities and micro-masculinism in the workplace.

    This training session will be led by Rachel Alfonso, consultant at Fundacio Surt (  Fundacio Surt is an association for social action that works to make the economic, social and cultural rights of women effective and to eradicate all forms of discrimination on the basis of gender, with a view to achieving a society with effective gender equality.

    Host: Diversity Committee

    Seminar Room: Serratosa

    Date: Friday, March 31, 2023, 10:00-11:30 AM 

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